The raven's crusade modifications

welcome to the crusade's world.
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Never tuen your back on me..... profile..wishlists
olivia who adores japanese animation
currently having a two digit age
wish list....
possess all japanese animation vcds
get a good job
own a laptop

everybody have dreams,everybody wants to pursue it
................FOR me.......mY DREAmSSS
is to have The fULL collection OF INuyAsHa vCdS
and Of COst......being able t9o have good grades
and have a good job............I LoVe DRaWiNg eSpEciaLLy
jApeNeSe aniMatIon CARtOOns and people.....

The crusade ended at this session Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:41 PM crusy..

age of mythology

age of mythology is a wonderful game where there gods and animal demons , rulez.....................rulz.............every heart

The crusade ended at this session Monday, January 31, 2005 11:42 PM crusy..


Inuyasha....cAtch that naraku before he escape
i would do it without u saying....MiRoku....Inuyasha said angrily
inuyasha....:sIt" commanded by kagome
at that time....inuyasha body was flat on the floor like a pan cake
as inuyasha still wasting his time.By the time, Naraku was gone
both of them quarrel bitterly and kagome mad n irated return home

The crusade ended at this session Tuesday, January 25, 2005 8:56 PM crusy..

LoVaBle stars and songSsSSS

my favourite stars aRE v6,.......,INuYaShA.........KIm RaE won........sonG SEunG Hun........Song HAe GyO......especially v6 their songs are VERi NiCe........................I want To CHAnge The wOrLd .........shIppO,KirARa,SangO,MiRoKu n KaGome inuyasha .....It Is the Best hahahahahahahaha

The crusade ended at this session Sunday, January 23, 2005 10:34 PM crusy..

my favourite star

my favourite star is inuyasha,a half and dog demon and their friends ........kagome higurashi........sango........and the cat kirara.............
the show is very nice................worth watching.....

The crusade ended at this session Thursday, January 20, 2005 4:37 PM crusy..

my 1st blog

my 1st blog

The crusade ended at this session Thursday, January 06, 2005 10:26 PM crusy..